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Stop the gendered messages on kids' clothing!
Rachel Hansen
Posted on August 29 2015
What does it mean for our communities when we are raising a generation of kids who are told that being a boy is all about having 'chicks' loving you, driving fast, being loud... ? What does it mean for our communities when we are raising a generation of kids who are told that being a girl is all about being pretty, loveable, cute, and obsessed with boys and shopping...?
The Pull Power of Pink
Rachel Hansen
Posted on May 31 2015
Granted, a daughter with a penchant for all-things-pink is hardly the end of the world. As a busy parent trying to do my best raising my kids, it's way down my list of things-to-worry-about. But what does concern me is the potential of this being the tip of the iceberg. You know, that big visible chunk of ice sitting squarely on top of the ocean. We see it and laugh about little girls obsessed with pink. But what lies beneath it?
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